Wednesday, December 9, 2009

New Moon

I was out today, and finally watched New Moon. I needed to check out what all the hype was about. Ok, so maybe I did actually want to watch it too.

At TGV pyramid, they screened the movie at the bigger than usual theatre (theatre 4). It was definitely to cater to the larger crowd. The theatre was full!

And so after being bombarded with criticisms about the movie's cheesiness (by Grace), I was well prepared to face those milk! I mean.. cheesiness.

I've gotta say the most 'makes-me-wana-whack-myself-in-the-forehead' would be the scene where it was Bella's birthday and she was outside her house with Edward. I find the part she asks him to kiss her very amusing. It was so predictable as that part of the scene was shown in trailers.

And you would think the crowd will go wild when Jacob takes off his shirt and turns into a werewolf to save Bella. Celine's verdict: the crowd went crazy the minute Jacob goes on screen. He then still had his long hair, still decently dressed, and no revealing of abs and triceps. There was still a slight 'Wooo' when Jacob took off his shirt, of course. But it was nothing compared when Jacob first appeared on screen. hey, how come Edward didn't get any reactions from the audience when he went on screen?

but I've gotta say, the cheesiest part would be the ending when Edward proposes to Bella. Oh come on! I could already sense that coming! (and no, I didn't read the book!) The crowd was clapping like crazy when they saw the scene! Right after that scene, the credit was shown and the crowd went 'Awwww...' They wanted more, it was just too much suspense. A marriage proposal and then End. That ought to get people going 'Aww..' but not me! I didn't clap either. Crazy!

Overall, I think it was worth RM8.