Tuesday, June 30, 2009

me, a model?

I had a satisfied dinner. In addition to that, I ate lychees.

So I should be really full.

But after refraining from eating those fish balls (from pasar malam lok lok) for so long.
I finally gave in.

and then my mum go and ask this question,

"Do you think you can ever be a model?"

"Can be quite tough ya, have to starve yourself skinny."

"But you love food so much, can be a torture."

Very well said.

"If I can be a model good la!"


SOO [¥] said...

wat abt air-stewardess? u can consider that too after graduation yah.

Celine Choo said...

i brought up that idea once. mum not too happy about that. hahah!

SOO [¥] said...

y not? afterall u'r oso halfway round the world now wert. i think being an air-stewardess is actually better than being a model!