Wednesday, June 4, 2008

First Blog

Alright, so here goes.. I have finally created a blog after seing that almost everyone has one and i don't. I wanted to see what fun is there in this. FYI, it took a loooong time for me to figure out what to put as my blog title. When I've finally created this blog, I realised how stupid the title sounded. (please don't laugh) How do I know its stupid? A friend of mine laughed at it thats why. celine i am. Is it even that bad? but looks like theres no turning back is there? so all of you have to just deal with this unpleasant title, thank you very much. Another friend once ask if I've ever blogged, I said no. That question seemed like it was asking if I've ever ate 'Char Kuey Teow' or perhapes a burger? Well, it isn't like anyone has asked me that question, but blogging has now seemed to be something so common, so usual. I would just have to try it out and see it for myself, and here I am typing what would appear as my first blog. The reason why I've never had the intention to start blogging is because I simply don't have much to say all the time. I mean, writing isn't what I would do when I have nothing else to do. Express myself? I heard blogs allow people to express their thoughts, ideas and feelings. Well, there are many other ways to do that, take singing. I sing all the time, and I once dreamed of being a singer, which would be rather impossible. Anyway, I've typed alot for someone who doesn't type for fun and to express oneself. I shall just go figure what to type for the next post. Cheers to the blogs to come!


Ei Leen Lim said...

hi celine!! i just got a blog recently too.. reading urs made me hungry lah :D link me up!